
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - 6.1_emacs_manuals_1er - emacs/send-mail.:ej
There are no other files named send-mail.:ej in the archive.
(W[0 +8+fq(+4)[1
fq1"l 0'
qqKZ&&>		&R_	H	Q
y			{	ekContinue Mail1:m(m.mSend Mail)
qBuffer Nameu2
@fn|m(m.mSelect Buffer)2|
m(m.mSelect Buffer)*Mail*w
0fo..qSend Mail Hookf"nu1 m1'
"#w m(m.mText Mode)'
0,fsZfsBoundw hk
0uBuffer Filenames
0u:.b(qBuffer Index+2)
m(m.m& Set Mode Line)
m(m.m& Make Header)"e '

0fo..qSend Mail Signaturef"nu1
zj .(i
 m(m.m& Send-Mail Buffer)
Reset Mail Buffer?[1[3 z-.:\u1 fnz-1:j"e zj'
bj 5f~Date:"e :s

		  "e zj'
b,.m(m.m& Kill Text)'
ff&1"n hm(m.m& Kill Text)'
m(m.m& Make Header)"n '
 hk @m(m.m^R Un-kill)f 0& Make HeaderiDate:  332221000000.,fsdatefsfdconvertw
-s  i  zj
0fo..qDay of Week Flag"n b+6j .(s,r),.fx3
2d zj i (3)'

iFrom:  .u1
fq3"g i at  g3'
0fo..qUser Namef"n u3
q1,.f~3"n q1j g3 :fx3 0l iSender: 3

0fo..qPersonal Namef"n u3 -l 6c g3 i < :l i> l'

 1,m(m.m& Read Line)To: f"e 'u1
fq1"e 0'
iTo: 1

1,(0fo..qCC tof"ew')m(m.m& Read Line)Cc: f"nu3
fq3"g iCc: 3

1,m(m.m& Read Line)Re: f"nu3
fq3"g iSubject: 3


13Shorten From Field For Stupid Local Mail Reader?z-.[1
bj s
From: .,(:k i  g(fsHSName:f6)).f
z-q1j 1& Send-Mail Bufferbf[dfilew [1 [4
j <
.-z; 1a-15."e 1;'
fwf~To"n fwf~Cc"n l !<!>''
2c @f	 l 0,1a-:"n l !<!>'

< @f,	 l
:f"e l 0,1af	 :; !<!>'
q1m(m.m& Queue One Mail File)

1,m(m.m& Read Line)To: f"ew'u1
fq1"e '
bj l iTo: 1

q1m(m.m& Queue One Mail File)'

& Queue One Mail File\[1[2
f[bbind g() j :s at "l @'
 "# j :s@"e zji@'' .,z@fc
 hx1 j z<1a:"u i' c> hx2 f]bbind
 etDSK: fsHSnamefsDSnamew
 et[--UNSENT-MAIL--].2 ei hp ef
@ft(Mail to 1 queued)
 0 fs echo activew & Next Mail Recipient(.[1
Cc:"l :fwl :x4'
"# 0u4'
*& SetUp Compressed SEND-MAIL Libraries
~DOC~ Continue MailDC Continue editing previously-aborted mail.
Queued on  exit.
~DOC~ Send MailC Enter recursive ^R mode editing mail, queued on ^R exit.
Given a numeric argument, continues editing previously-aborted (or sent) mail.
User is prompted initially for TO, CC, and SUBJECT fields.
Then user edits the message in a recursive ^R.  (The user in that ^R can
    change the header if desired.)
Upon ^R exit (e.g. by C-M-Z, ^Z^Z) the message is queued for mailing.
The message is edited in an EMACS buffer named *Mail*, and the text in it
    will stay around even after the mail is queued.
~DOC~bReset MailaBuffer) mail header.
Returns 0 if aborted (nothing changed), non-0 if all well.
Removes any old mail header, but leaves old text of mail if any.
    Old header is on the kill stack.
Given a NUMARG, kills old text too.
Asks for To, Cc, Re.
~DOC~ & Make HeaderS Not War.
9~DOC~ Shorten From Field For Stupid Local Mail ReaderC Only username.
Nice for Hermes, so other people can see your subject line in a survey.
Removes the "at ...." and the personal name part, e.g. leaves only:
From: Ciccarelli
This is an illegal header technically, but that hasn't stopped Send-Mail yet
~DOC~ & Send-Mail BufferJS Write buffer out to unsent-mail file.
Allows multiple To:s, Cc:s.
~DOC~ & Queue One Mail File.S Name of recipient is in NUMARG string.
~DOC~ & Next Mail RecipientKS Return next TO or CC from point.
String returned, or 0 if no more.
0~DOC~ & SetUp Compressed SEND-MAIL LibrariescS Call hidden & SetUps.
I.e. those from files whose ~FILENAME~s are not that of the object file.
The object file & SetUp (i.e. the main one) should call this.

This object file was compressed on 11:24am  Tuesday, 1 April 1980
by EMACS on BBN-TENEXD from the following source libraries:

    PS:<EMACS.SOURCES>SEND-MAIL..46,  04/01/80 11:23:34
~DIRECTORY~[Continue Mail
Send Mail
Reset Mail Buffer
& Make Header
Shorten From Field For Stupid Local Mail Reader
& Send-Mail Buffer
& Queue One Mail File
& Next Mail Recipient
& SetUp Compressed SEND-MAIL Libraries

~INVERT~[1 <Q1-1U1 Q1FP;> Q1